Best Tips for 3rd Trimester

               Best Tips for 3rd Trimester

The third trimester is the last phase of your pregnancy. It lasts from weeks 29 to 40, or months 7, 8, and 9. During this trimester, your baby grows, develops, and starts to change position to get ready for birth.

Now that you've reached the third trimester, you're in the home stretch of your pregnancy. You've only got a few more weeks to go, but this part of your pregnancy can be the most challenging.

New Fetal Development

In the third trimester, your baby keeps growing. By the end, a full-term baby usually is between 19 and 21 inches long and between 6 and 9 pounds.

Your baby begins to turn itself head-down to get ready for delivery. At week 36, the baby’s head should begin to move into your pelvic area, also called lightening. It will stay in this down-facing position for the last 2 weeks of your pregnancy.

Your baby develops in other important ways in the third trimester. During this phase, it’s able to:

·        Open its eyes and see

·        Hear

·        Suck on its thumb

·        Cry

·        Smile



Best Tips for 3rd Trimester

Third Trimester Changes in Your Body


  • Abdominal achiness

As your baby grows, it takes up more room in your abdomen. This can cause you to have some aches and discomfort. You may find it hard to get comfortable when you’re in bed at night trying to go to sleep. You may even feel like it’s harder to take deep breaths.

  • Backache

The extra weight you've gained puts added pressure on your back, making it feel achy and sore. You might also feel discomfort in your pelvis and hips as your ligaments loosen to prepare for labor. To ease the pressure on your back, try to practice good posture. Sit up straight and use a chair that provides good back support. At night, sleep on your side with a pillow tucked between your legs. Wear low-heeled, comfortable shoes with good arch support. To ease back pain, use a heating pad.  Ask your doctor whether it's OK for you to take acetaminophen.

  • Bleeding

Some light bleeding toward the end of your pregnancy might be a sign that labor is starting. But spotting may sometimes be a sign of a serious problem, including placenta previa (the placenta grows low and covers the cervix), placental abruption (separation of the placenta from the uterine wall), or preterm labor. Call your doctor as soon as you notice any bleeding.

  • Braxton-Hicks contractions 

You might start to feel mild contractions, which are warm-ups to prepare your uterus for the real labor to come. Braxton-Hicks contractions often aren't as intense as real labor contractions, but they may feel a lot like labor and can eventually progress to it. One main difference is that real contractions gradually get closer and closer together -- and more intense. If you're red in the face and out of breath after your contractions, or they're coming regularly, call your doctor.

  • Breast enlargement and leaking

By the end of your pregnancy, your breasts will have grown by as much as 2 pounds. Make sure you're wearing a supportive bra so your back doesn't suffer. Close to your due date, you may start to see a yellowish fluid leaking from your nipples. This substance, called colostrum, will nourish your baby in the first few days after birth.

  • Vivid dreams

It’s common to have more vivid dreams or nightmares in your third trimester. This can disrupt your sleep. Your wild dreams are likely caused by changes in hormone levels from pregnancy.

  • Clumsiness 

You may feel clumsy or out of balance during the third trimester. You may drop things. Part of the reason is that you’ve gained weight in your belly area.  That makes it harder to balance your body.

  • Discharge

You might see more vaginal discharge during the third trimester. If the flow is heavy enough to soak through your panty liners, call your doctor. Close to your delivery date, you might see a thick, clear, or slightly blood-tinged discharge. This is your mucus plug, and it's a sign that your cervix has begun dilating in preparation for labor. If you experience a sudden rush of fluid, it may mean that your water has broken (although only about 8% of pregnant women have their water break before contractions begin). Call your doctor as soon as possible after your water breaks.

  • Fatigue

Try to take a nap, or at least sit down and relax for a few minutes. You need to reserve all your strength now for when your baby arrives and you're really You might have been feeling energetic in your second trimester, but are weary now. Carrying extra weight, waking up several times during the night to go to the bathroom, and dealing with the anxiety of preparing for a baby can all take a toll on your energy level. Eat healthy food and get regular exercise to give yourself a boost. When you feel tired, not getting any sleep.

  • Frequent Urination

 Now that your baby is bigger, its head may be pressing down on your bladder.  That extra pressure means you'll have to go to the bathroom more frequently  including several times each night. You might also find that you're leaking urine when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or exercise. To relieve the pressure and prevent leakage, go to the bathroom whenever you feel the urge and urinate completely each time. Avoid drinking fluids right before bedtime to cut down on unwanted late-night bathroom visits. Wear a panty liner to absorb any leakage. Let your doctor know if you have any pain or burning with urination. These can be signs of a urinary track infection.

  • Heartburn and constipation

They're caused by extra production of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes certain muscles -- including the muscles in your esophagus that normally keep food and acids down in your stomach, and the ones that move digested food through your intestines. To relieve heartburn, try eating more frequent, smaller meals throughout the day and avoid greasy, spicy, and acidic foods (like citrus fruits). For constipation, increase your fiber intake and drink extra fluids to keep things moving more smoothly. If your heartburn or constipation is really bothering you, talk to your doctor about what medications may be safe for you to take for symptom relief.

  • Hemorrhoids 

Hemorrhoids are actually varicose veins -- swollen veins that form around the anus. These veins enlarge during pregnancy because extra blood is flowing through them and the weight of pregnancy increases the amount of pressure to the area. To relieve the itch and discomfort, try sitting in a warm tub or sitz bath. Ask your doctor whether you can also try an over-the-counter hemorrhoid ointment or stool softener.

  • Sciatica 

Nerve pain that shoots from your lower back to your buttocks and down your leg is more likely in the third trimester. Sciatica may be caused by hormone changes during pregnancy, or because your baby’s growing body presses against the sciatic nerve. Sciatica pain may come and go or be constant. Yoga, massage, or physical therapy are ways to relieve the pain, but it usually goes away after your baby is born.

  • Shortness of breath 

As your uterus expands, it rises up until it sits just under your rib cage, leaving less room for your lungs to expand. That added pressure on your lungs can make it more difficult to breathe. Exercising can help with shortness of breath. You can also try propping up your head and shoulders with pillows while you sleep.

  • Spider and varicose veins 

Your circulation has increased to send extra blood to your growing baby. That excess blood flow can cause tiny red veins, known as spider veins, to appear on your skin. Spider veins may get worse in your third trimester, but they should fade once your baby is born. Pressure on your legs from your growing baby may also cause some surface veins in your legs to become swollen and blue or purple. These are called varicose veins. They should improve within a few months after you deliver. Although there's no way to avoid varicose veins, you can prevent them from getting worse by:

    • Getting up and moving throughout the day
    • Wearing support hose
    • Propping up your legs whenever you have to sit for long periods.
  • Stretch marks 

You may develop stretch marks on your breasts, butt, tummy, or thighs. Stretch marks are a type of scar that happens when your skin stretches during pregnancy. Not everyone gets them. If you do, they may be red, purple, pink, or brown in color.

  • Swelling 

Your rings might be feeling tighter these days, and you may also notice that your ankles and face are looking bloated. Mild swelling is the result of excess fluid retention (edema). To reduce swelling, put your feet up on a stool or box whenever you sit for any length of time, and elevate your feet while you sleep. If you have sudden onset of swelling though, seek medical attention immediately as it may be a sign of preeclampsia, a dangerous pregnancy complication.

  • Weight gain 

Aim for a weight gain of 1/2 pound to 1 pound a week during your third trimester. By the end of your pregnancy, you should have put on a total of about 25 to 35 pounds (your doctor may have recommended that you gain more or less weight if you started out your pregnancy underweight or overweight). The extra pounds you've put on are made up of the baby's weight, plus the placenta, amniotic fluid, increased blood and fluid volume, and added breast tissue. If your baby seems to be too small or too big based on the size of your belly, your doctor will do an ultrasound to check the baby’s growth.

What to do During 3rd Trimester:

There are the certain things to do during the last trimester.

Best Tips for 3rd Trimester

Continue to take prenatal vitamins

While a balanced diet is a preferred way of meeting nutritional needs, some women may have trouble achieving their daily recommended intakes for specific vitamins and minerals from diet alone. The Prenate® Vitamin Family offers a line of prenatal vitamins that are designed to carry moms and babies through preconception to pregnancy and into the weeks and months after delivery.

Vitamins like Prenate Mini®,Prenate® Enhance and Prenate® Restore are specifically formulated to fit the needs of mothers and babies during the third trimester.

Prenatal vitamins like Iron, calcium, DHA and vitamin-D contain key nutrients to help support third trimester developmental milestones.


Stay active unless you're experiencing swelling or pain

In the third trimester (weeks 28 to 40) you can carry on exercising as long as you feel well and comfortable. If you feel okay, you can stay active right up to the birth of your baby. Keep doing low-impact activities, such as walking and swimming. You can do gentle stretches to reduce aches and pains.



Work out your pelvic floor by doing Kegel exercises

Kegels can be beneficial throughout life, and you might want to begin doing them during pregnancy or after your baby is born, when pelvic floor muscles often need to be strengthened.

o keep these muscles working well, make pelvic floor exercises part of your routine for the rest of your life. You can start during pregnancy and continue after birth. Pelvic floor exercises can be done anywhere — while sitting, standing or lying down.

1.     Squeeze and draw in the muscles around your anus (back passage) and vagina at the same time as if you are trying to stop a wee.

2.     Hold the squeeze as you count to 8; relax for 8 seconds. If you can’t hold for 8, just hold as long as you can.

3.     Repeat as many as you can, up to 8 to 10 squeezes. This equals 1 set. Rest for about 8 seconds in between each lift up of the muscles.

4.     Try to do 3 sets of 8 to 10 squeezes each day.

5.     While doing pelvic floor exercises, keep breathing, do not tighten your buttocks and keep your thighs relaxed.

Pelvic floor exercises are not necessarily easy to do correctly. The pelvic floor muscles can be difficult to isolate. When done correctly, they are very effective, but the wrong technique can make a problem worse.


Best Tips for 3rd Trimester

Eat Healthy Diet

Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, low-fat forms of protein, and fiber. The building blocks of your meals and snacks should be:

  • Fruits.
  • Vegetables.
  • Protein.
  • Whole grains.
  • Healthy fats and oils.
  • Low-fat or fat-free pasteurized dairy.


Drink lots of water

Women experience heightened thirst in pregnancy because your body simply needs extra fluids as it supports baby's development, so it's important to stay hydrated. If you're feeling like you've just stepped out of the desert all day every day, here's what your body might be telling you.

Doctors recommend that you eat an additional 340 calories a day, which means that you'll need at least an extra 340 milliliters (11.5 ounces) of water a day. When you're in your third trimester, you'll need 450 more calories above the regular daily recommended amount

Eat enough calories (about 300 more calories than normal per day).


Best Tips for 3rd Trimester

Don’ts in 3rd trimester:

There are the certain things you must not do during the last trimester.

Not Following the Doctor’s Advice

Doing anything against the ob-gyn’s advice is a big mistake and this applies to anything from exercising to not eating right. Each pregnancy is different and doing something just because all other pregnant women do it is a grave mistake.

Keep in mind, you consult an ob-gyn when pregnant for a reason, so it is essential to adhere to what your doctor guides you to do to make sure you have a safe and healthy pregnancy. Your prenatal appointments this trimester may increase but do not skip them for no reason. If at all there's a need to skip one, make sure to reschedule it for a suitable time. Always check in with your doctor for any pregnancy-related concerns rather than relying on home remedies or third-party advice.

Ignoring Car Safety

Not wearing a seatbelt, especially in the third trimester weeks, is not recommended. Wearing lap and shoulder seatbelts is quite essential when driving a car or riding in a passenger seat, irrespective of whether you're pregnant or not. Seatbelts help protect a person from accidents.

A lot of mothers are afraid that the pressure of the seatbelt may cause harm to the baby. However, when worn properly, car seatbelts are absolutely safe. Wear the lap belt below your belly so that you won't feel uncomfortable. This way, you can keep yourself and your baby safe.

Wearing the Wrong Footwear

The last trimester of pregnancy is when the belly is the biggest and sometimes this may cause balance issues. It is not advisable to wear high heels and other such wrong footwear during pregnancy. Pencil heels may be at the top of fashion trends but they're definitely not good when you're pregnant. During pregnancy, your center  of gravity shifts while ligaments loosen, this, in turn, creates a risk of you tripping or falling. And wearing wrong footwear can add to that risk, putting you at the danger of accidents, which may have unfortunate repercussions on the pregnancy.

Traveling/Taking Vacations

This is one of the most important pregnancy tips in the third trimester. Travelling during the last trimester puts the mother and the baby at a lot of unnecessary risks. And if you're travelling with a risk of medical problems, like blood clot formation due to prolonged sitting, prone to infections, or pregnancy complications, you're not only putting your life at risk but also your baby's.

Avoid taking long car trips or airplane flights. In the third trimester, you should travel only if absolutely necessary. If at all you have to travel, ensure you stretch your legs whenever possible or walk around after every hour or two. It is necessary that you take permission from your doctor before travelling. Unless you're at a high risk of any pregnancy complication, your doctor might allow you to travel until 32 to 34 weeks of pregnancy. Also, check the airline's policy, as most of them don't allow you to fly during the last weeks of pregnancy.

If you plan to travel due to an urgent situation, make sure you prepare beforehand. Ask your doctor to recommend a local doctor residing nearby your place of travel. Always carry a copy of prenatal and other necessary pregnancy documents with you. Avoid consuming unpasteurized milk and undercooked or raw meat, seafood, eggs, and vegetables. Stay away from impurified water and outside food if possible.

 Not Eating Enough

It is natural to be bothered with the weight gain in the third trimester of pregnancy. But that doesn't mean you have to reduce your calorie intake. If you do not eat as needed, your body and the baby may not get all the required nutrition, causing deficiencies. So, do not worry about putting on pregnancy weight as it totally normal.

However, excessive weight can lead to health issues. Consult your doctor to understand what weight it is normal and what is not.

Googling Everything

Thanks to the availability of answers virtually for everything online, a lot of people, especially pregnant women, turn to the internet for health advice. But remember googling health conditions or third-trimester symptoms is a big no. Only your doctor would be capable of answering all your third trimester and health-related queries rightly. Hence, it is always best to seek professional medical advice.

Avoiding Exercise

Exercise is as important as eating healthy food during pregnancy. So, keep up an excellent exercise routine unless the ob-gyn has recommended not to undertake any physical activity in the third trimester of pregnancy. You can try pregnancy-safe exercises like walking, jogging, pelvic floor exercise, and others. These exercises will also help prepare your body for labor and childbirth while keeping you physically fit.

But, keep in mind, do not exhaust yourself. An easy way to understand this is if you're able to hold a conversation while you work out. Make sure you eat well and include a variety of foods that will provide you with enough energy and nutrients. Don't forget to speak to your ob-gyn before starting any new exercise and ask for tips on a healthy routine.

Eating for Two

A lot of people may advise you to eat for two, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy when the baby is bigger. However, intake of more calories than required may cause problems, like gestational diabetes. Your body needs only 100 additional calories per day in the first trimester and 300 extra calories per day in the second and the third trimester.

Although as an expecting mother you need to eat more during pregnancy, it is not for entirely another person. Remember, more than how much you gain, what you eat is important. The food you eat during pregnancy helps set the building blocks for your baby. So, you should eat enough for yourself and the baby. Take a look at how you can maintain a healthy diet plan to ensure you and your baby get all the required nutrients.

Keeping the Wrong Sleeping Position

The belly expands quite a bit and the uterus moves slightly upwards for more space during the third trimester of pregnancy. Generally expecting moms are suggested not to sleep on their backs, as the baby is much heavier by the third trimester. It can restrict the flow of blood to the uterus and fetus, increasing your discomfort.

Although you might feel comfortable sleeping on the back, remember it is best to avoid it at all. Instead, experts recommend that sleeping on the left side is the best sleeping position during this time. Sleeping on the left side will help bring the uterus to the center that naturally rotates to the right side, improving the flow of blood. You can try placing a pillow between your legs to support your back for comfort. For your back, the long body pillow or a wedge-shaped pillow could prove to be helpful.
Best Tips for 3rd Trimester

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