Best Ways to improve Digestion process


Your digestive system is working nonstop to fuel every cell in your body and efficiently remove the waste. Neglecting your digestive system can have adverse effects that influence every part of your life. Your diet and other lifestyle choices greatly impact your digestive health and are often areas where small changes can have a big impact.

Here are some ways that lifestyle choices can improve your digestive health.

Best Ways to improve Digestion process

1. Eat fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits contain healthy nutrients and fiber to support your digestive system and overall health. Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables have cancer-fighting properties, and fiber lowers your risk of constipation.

Good choices are: a variety of fruits and vegetables in every color


2. Fiber Helps

To get the 20-35 grams of fiber your body needs each day, choose plant foods like cherries, grapes, crunchy bell peppers, beans, whole grains, and nuts. These help with digestion and constipation and are also good for your heart and blood sugar. Because they fill you up, you’ll eat less, which also helps if you’re watching your weight.


Best Ways to improve Digestion process

3. Choose whole grains and nuts

Whole grains still have the dietary fiber, iron, antioxidants, and other healthy nutrients lost when grains are refined to make processed foods like white flour, white bread, crackers, and pastries. Fiber lowers your risk of constipation, and some whole grains support your good gut bacteria.

Good choices are: brown rice, oatmeal, popcorn, whole wheat products, barley

4. Limit red and processed meats

Processed meats usually have an unhealthy amount of sodium, fat, and nitrates linked to colon cancer. Red meat has been linked with cancer, heart disease, and digestive issues.

Good choices are: chicken, fish, legumes, and limiting red meat to 2-3 servings per week



5. Chew Gum to Tame Heartburn

Chewing tells your body to make saliva, which balances the acid tied to the problem. Peppermint or spearmint can irritate, so pick another flavor. Skip this remedy if it causes you to swallow air, which can make you belch and feel bloated.


6. Limit added sugars

Too much sugar can upset the balance of good bacteria and cause inflammation. Added sugars are found in many products, especially baked goods, ice cream, and desserts. They are also added to many processed foods, even when you wouldn’t expect it – like pasta sauces, salad dressings, and soups.

Good choices are: fruits for a sweet treat, unprocessed whole foods

7. Cook healthier

Healthy eating isn’t only about your food choices, it’s also about how you prepare them. Fried and grilled foods are tasty treats but have a downside. Fried foods have unhealthy fats, while high-temperature grilling can create carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals).

Good choices are: steaming, stewing, poaching, braising, boiling, or microwaving

8. Eat foods with probiotics

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that keep bad bacteria in check and nourish your gut for healthy digestion.

Good choices are: yogurt, kimchee, raw apple cider vinegar, garlic, onion, and sauerkraut

9. Stay Hydrated

If you get constipated, you may not be drinking enough. Drinking water helps prevent constipation and supports healthy bowel function. How much water you need per day depends on many factors like your size, activity level, and health. In general, adults need 4-6 cups of water per day.

Good choices are: water, green tea, black coffee, fat-free milk, fresh-squeezed juice

Best Ways to improve Digestion process

10. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise helps food move through your digestive system faster, reducing the risk of nausea, bloating, constipation. Regular exercise can also improve the symptoms of constipation and inflammatory bowel disease.

Good choices are: taking a walk after meals or 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise daily


11. A Few Pounds Make a Difference


If you lose even a little extra weight, especially around your belly, it can ease the discomfort of heartburn, gas, and belching. Your doctor can help you make a smart diet and exercise plan to reach your weight loss goal.


12. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight reduces your chances of developing GERD, gallstones, some digestive cancers, and more. Following suggestions for a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight.

Good choices are: healthy weight loss if needed, healthy food, regular exercise

Best Ways to improve Digestion process



13. Get Moving to Beat Bloating


Exercise may help with most minor digestive problems, from bloating to constipation. Physical activity helps your body’s digestive system move things along and let go of waste. It also curbs stress, which can trigger many digestive problems.


14. Don’t smoke

You know smoking is bad for your lungs, but you might be surprised to find that it’s also bad for your digestive system. Smoking has been found to significantly increase your risk of developing acid reflux, and quitting has been shown to improve symptoms. Research has also found a link between smoking and stomach ulcers and an increased need for surgery for gastrointestinal cancers and ulcerative colitis.

Good choices are: talk to your doctor about help for quitting, or visit for information and help

15. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep affects every body system, including the digestive system. Sleep deprivation may lead to inflammation in the bowel, which can cause gastrointestinal symptoms.

Good choice is: aim for 7-9 hours of good quality sleep per night


Best Ways to improve Digestion process

16. Stress, Ulcer, and Constipation

Ever have an upset stomach due to nerves? Your brain and digestive system are connected. Stress can worsen problems like IBS and ulcers. Make it a priority to be active, get enough sleep, meditate, and relax.



17. Reduce stress

Long-term stress negatively affects your overall health and is linked to diarrhea, constipation, IBS, and ulcers. Managing your stress through stress management techniques can benefit your digestion.

Good choices are: yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, exercise, therapy


Everybody experiences digestive problems at some point. They can be uncomfortable, difficult to talk about, and disruptive to your day-to-day activities. While many intestinal problems can be improved by making certain lifestyle changes, some require a visit to a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment plan.

If you have digestive issues that are not corrected with lifestyle changes or are getting worse, it’s time to see a doctor.

Best Ways to improve Digestion process

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